Tips for finding student jobs

Here is how to find a job as an international student

It may well be that you speak and write German fluently and have excellent professional skills in IT, design or any other field. In this case, it won’t be too hard for you to find a suitable job. The Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Labor Office) offers consultations for international students and provides job listings.

The Bundesagentur für Arbeit can also point you toward temporary employment agencies. They may have good opportunities for summer jobs.

Keep in mind, however, that you are not allowed to freelance or be self-employed as an international student.

If you don’t have the skills for a higher-paying professional job yet and are looking for a job at a café, restaurant or delivery service, you can check bulletin boards in your city and at your university.

Again, the Bundesagentur für Arbeit has listings for restaurant, café and warehouse jobs as well. Be sure to apply for your taxpayers ID and your social security number if you earn more than €450 a month.

Jobs at your university

However, you may want to consider another attractive option: working on campus. Ask at you chosen university about student jobs.

The jobs to consider include working in the library, as a tutor or as a graduate assistant (Hilfswissenschaftler or HiWi in German). You can inquire directly in your department, at the international office or look at bulletin boards or on university message boards.

Jobs at your university allow you to work in your chosen academic area and you are in contact with your professors and fellow students.

Working on campus has another advantage: The limit of hours that you are allowed to work does not apply. However, your studies need to be your priority so working too many hours is probably not a good idea.