Baden-Württemberg: The future starts here

With a culture of innovation, a high density of universities and research institutes as well as unique support and collaborations, international researchers work on shaping the future.

If you are serious about cutting-edge science and world-class research, Baden-Württemberg is the place for you. Baden-Württemberg is a leading science hub in Europe with an extremely high density of universities and research institutions.

BW’s future-oriented science strategy

With its focus on science and research, Baden-Württemberg is shaping the future. At the heart of Baden-Württemberg’s science strategy are questions like: What does the future of mobility look like? How will we be able to make better use of renewable energy sources? What will a modern and sustainable economy be like? How can we use biological resources efficiently and responsibly?

Brilliant international scientists and researchers work at more than 100 locations at universities and science institutes to address the challenges of the future. They do world-class basic research and also cooperate closely with businesses so that their work can have a real impact on the future.

Unique conditions and strong support

Baden-Württemberg has created unique conditions to support and enable meaningful and important research. In addition to the high density of research institutes and universities, the state invests 5.6 % of its gross domestic product in R&D. That is much more than Germany with 3.0%, the European Union with 2.0%, the USA with 2.8%, China with 2.1%, and Japan with 3.2%. With 13,033 patent applications in 2020, Baden-Württemberg is number 1 in Germany.

This setting offers a wide range of opportunities for young and established scientists and academics alike. Welcome to the future.

Your path to a PhD

You want to obtain a doctorate degree in Baden-Württemberg. There are several attractive options, depending on your goals, style and background.

How to find a job in academia

You can find many interesting positions in science and research online.

Support for researchers

As an international researcher in Baden-Württemberg, you will find many resources to support you.